Thursday, January 31, 2013

Packing Day

We met at the church this evening to pack up all the donated school supplies, toothbrushes, toothpaste and medicines. When we had the supplies up in front of the church last week most of the kids thought there was no way we'd fit it all. I am happy to report that we were able to fit all but a small box of glue bottles. Bags are packed, cars are loaded, we are ready to go!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Where will we be going anyway?

Some of you may be wondering exactly where the group will be heading. If so, you're in luck, I am about to tell you!
We will fly into Guatemala City (labeled Guatemala on this map) and then hop onto a bus to travel to Quetzaltenango. While this doesn't look very far, it will take us several hours to make the treck. We will arrive in Quetzaltenango on Friday evening and stay there until Sunday evening or Monday morning before heading to Retalhuleu. Retalhulue serves as the starting point from which we will travel out to the various villages that we will visit. I have marked both Quetzaltenango and Retalhuleu on the map above--sorry that it is so small. Click here to be taken to a bigger map of Guatemala.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to the Guatemala Action Project blog. This blog will be a place to share information about our upcoming trip to Guatemala. Before we leave, we will share photos of our fundraisers and planning, information about where we will be going and what we will be doing, prayer requests for the trip, things we are looking forward too, things we are nervous about...basically this is a place to learn all about the trip and the 15 people who will be going.

Hopefully, we will be able to post each of the 10 days on our trip (we plan to post in the evening after we have been out in the villages). However, we don't know what the internet (and our schedule) will be like when we get there so please bear with us if you don't see a new post every day. Also, if the internet connection allows it, we will try to post some photos as well. You can choose to have any new blog posts sent to your email or just check back to the blog when it is convenient for you. However you choose to follow, we look forward to sharing our journey with you.

While Jackelyn will be the administrator of this blog, feel free to leave comments or all (or any) of the members of the trip. She will be sure to share you words.

Check back soon for more posts about our preparations!