Pastor Michael, Moises and his daughter, Maya exchanging gifts. (Below) Moises sharing his new tea hobby

This is only a description of what we did today - There will be another blog about today's events, with more heart and emotion, at a later time.
A beautiful sunrise rose this morning around 6:20am - I can't give you more detail about the sunrise because I was still sleeping. It was our morning to sleep in but I'm sure it was beautiful. We met for breakfast at 8:30, and afterwards, organized the school supplies for the week to come; which starts tomorrow. We then set off for Emmanuel Church, where Moises and his family attend. WORSHIP WAS AWESOME and Moises was so enthusiastic in his sermon. Our team then sat face to face with the congregation and shared questions and encouragement. Afterwards, the church made us a great lunch. It was a traditional Guatemalan recipe - way too much food to describe (also I'm getting tired). We then had a meeting with Moises and Emmanuel's elders. I also got to slip away and see what the youth were doing and converse with Les, their youth president, about youth ministry. Pastor Michael (representing Pease Church) and Emmanuel exchanged gifts. It was a great feeling and amazing to witness the establishment between two churches and countries.
We were invited later to Moises' house for dinner later in the evening.
This is where I'll pause for later comments from the rest of the team. Not knowing Moises and his family the way the returning members do isn't fair to you and them for me to describe tonight's atmosphere. It was a blast, to say the least. I will add, just from spending a day with them, what they were like: Christ centered, heart filled, honest, down to earth, humble, brilliant, strong, very smart, experienced, strong willed and just plan fun to be around. These are only some words to described who they are! I think I can speak for everybody when I say this. I very much enjoyed my time at Emmanuel, and also with Moises and his family.
Keep staying in touch and please pray for Emmanuel Church and the people we will be in contact with tomorrow.
Be Humble and God Bless
Thanks for keeping us updated, Nick!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you were all able to spend the day with Moises and his family. It sounds like it was a fantastic day.