
Below you will find an itinerary of the 2014 Guatemala trip as well as prayer suggestions to go along with each day's activities:

Guatemala Mission Team Itinerary & Prayer Guide

Team Members:  Jerry & Peggy Baas, Jennifer Elton, Nick Hoffman, Warren Kamstra, Julee Moorlag, Pastor Michael & Jessica Ten Haken, Phil & Debbie Vedders

Please pray for good health for all the team members, and for our families back home.

**You can follow our blog which will be updated throughout the trip as internet access permits at:**

Friday, February 21st:
 Leave Minneapolis at 5:25AM arriving in Guatemala City at 12:45PM
 Pray for a safe and on-time trip, that our bags and supplies arrive with us and that we all clear customs.

Saturday, February 22nd:
We will be seeing some of the sights and sounds of Guatemala, visiting a farm plot, and traveling to Quetzaltenango -- about 2 hours from Guatemala City.
Please pray for open eyes and ears for the team members as we begin to understand life and culture there.

Sunday, February 23rd:
We will spend the day worshiping and talking with our friends at Emmanuel Presbyterian Church. They have asked us to have a question and answer time with them to talk about how each of us worships and lives out our Christian walks.
Please pray for the Spirit-filled worship and gracious and compassionate listening as we dialogue together.

Monday & Tuesday, February 24th & 25th:
 Distribution of chairs to a local church and school supplies purchased by our congregation to local school children in the community of Helvetia.We will also begin construction of a new kitchen for the school in the village of Esperanza Miralta. 
Please pray for good connections with the people we come in contact with as well as opportunities to present the Gospel.

Wednesday & Thursday, February 26th & 27th:
Distribution of school supplies and construction of additional classroom space in the village of El Tineco.
Please pray for safety during the construction process and opportunities to talk with the people there about how we can make our partnership stronger.

Friday, February 28th:
We will be seeing some of the work of Vine & Branches by visiting farm plots that have been established to provide income and sustainability to the people in the community of La Palmera.
Please pray for the work of Vine and Branches and our partnership with them.

Saturday, March 1st:
Our flight departs Guatemala City at 12:45 and we arrive in Minneapolis at 11:30PM. 
Again please pray for safe travel and no problems with customs.

Sunday, March 9th:
Please plan to stay after the morning worship service to hear about the work that God is doing in these communities through our partnership with World Renew and Vine & Branches.

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