Last year our GAP team met with about 12 local pastors in a historic meeting.... Catholic, Protestant, and Pentecostal pastors all in one room talking with us about the joys and challenges of their ministries...and some ideas as to how our team might be of service to them. The item that was seen as the major need was in the area of leadership training...both for teaching children and for leading adult Bible studies.
As the time grew closer for this year's trip, the World Renew office let us know that a training in adult Bible study leadership was especially important to the local churches. I prepared a training session in the Discovery Method of Bible study which is used in Coffee Break and other adult small groups.
On Monday of this year's trip, 6 pastors (all Protestant/Pentecostal) gathered to participate. It was challenging because of the language barrier, but our wonderful Patty translated all the exchanges between the pastors and me. It turned out that the pastors were expecting a training in teaching children, but they were more than willing to participate in the training that had been prepared. They were engaged in the discussion, asked questions and made comments, and all in all, I think the afternoon was seen as worthwhile. The highlight for me was at the end of the session. The pastors gathered in a circle around me, laid hands on me and prayed for me...all at the same time, and with much feeling. It was a very moving experience for me!
Note: Pastor Feliciano (our friend from Monte Margarita) shared with us later that some of the pastors had been concerned that I might try to teach "a different doctrine"...which of course was not the case...but it probably explains why none of our Catholic brothers attended.
~Terri Baas

(Together in the classroom)

(Together in the classroom)

(Last year's team with all the local pastors)
“Double Blessings”
We all left our work in MN to come to Guatemala and work
with Vine & Branches and World Renew in four communities. We played soccer,
games, and sang songs with the children. Some of prayed with members who were
hurting and alone. Others dug trenches for water pipes on the side of a
mountain. We all helped with the construction of a new classroom in Esperanza
Miralta. We opened our hearts and hands and modeled the love of Christ the best
we could each day. We were so blessed by encouraging the children and
members of the communities. But we can’t stop here – there is more to be told.
We witnessed God working in Guatemala. He taught us about compassion
through Duncan and Liz (Who run ministries in Guatemala City) who work with the
street kids in the city. We learned about humility through Hector who works so hard for his
people but does not want any praises. We saw David as a gentle leader of
Vine & Branches. Carlos is a man of encouragement for his community in
Esperanza Miralta. Our list could go on. God is working in the hearts and lives
of the people we met in Guatemala. As Gustavo sang on the mountain side, “our
cups are overflowing” with Blessings from our Heavenly Father! “How Majestic is
Your Name in all the earth!” – Kris
Thank You for keeping up with us during the week. Thank
You for the prayers, the encouragement, and love. Thank You for pouring time
and energy into this awesome ministry. Thank You for taking the time to pick,
peel, slice, and bag apples. Thank You for the long hours of making pies. Thank
You for networking with co-workers and family to buy and sell every single
apple pie we made this year. Thank You for addressing emails, budgets, and
planning. Thank You for making T-shirts, ordering and gathering school supplies,
making wooden cars & crosses. Thank You for ordering and buying books. Thank
You for the donations. Thank You for the rides to & from the airport. Thank You for loving God with all your heart, mind, and
strength. Thank You for loving your neighbor (Guatemala neighbors too).
Thank You for your trust in God and may He continue to
bless this ministry and partnership.
“You are the light that gives light to the
world. A city that is built on a hill cannot be hidden”
Matthew 5
(When you figure out the word you've been using for years to get the Guatemalan children to circle up was actually a naughty word)
Dios Te Bendiga!!!!
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