Thursday, February 11, 2016

Unity - a day in Esperanza Miralta

(Arriving at Esperanza Miralta's school)
(We started the morning with a Catholic Service)
 (Handing out books, pencils and a mint)

Yesterday evening Kris, Terri DeVries and myself were here sitting outside talking about our experiences in Guatemala and what type of impact we are really making. Here we are, for only one week, working in 4 different communities. What kind of impact or change can we really make in their lives? So we help support the building of a one room school house and are helping them finance the building of a water storage tank. Do we really make an impact or difference?
Today God gave us His answer at the School of Esperanza Miralta.  They presented a gift to Terri in recognition of her father Warren, who passed away in a car accident.  Warren was a retired farmer ad was doing only what he always did, nothing special, just loving and paying with kids and wanting to help make a difference in the lives of people here in Guatemala. Warren, who made the trip twice, which equals two weeks down here, and out of those two weeks, only 1 or 2 days were spent in each community.  Warren made a difference in their lives in just a couple days out of his life to this community! He was always encouraging through his actions and words.  All he did was be himself by showing them unconditional love, just as God shows us his love.  By his encouragement, they knew someone in this world cared for them and that meant God has been listening to their prayers. They were motivated to move forward in their lives.
                Can we make a difference? Do we make a difference??? -  We do and YOU CAN ALSO!
-          - Tom
(A plaque in memory of Warren)

Today Terri Baas, Julie Moorlag and I went into the community to pray with two community members. One precious lady had lost both her parents last year within two months of each other. They had lived with her and her husband for years and she took care of them because she was the only daughter. She remembered Terri’s promise, from last year, to come back to visit her mother. She was so happy that Terri kept her promise. She now gets up in the morning and doesn’t know what to with herself. She mentioned being depressed and that broke our hearts. She cried while she talked about her life. We prayed that God would help her get through this all and feel the joy of knowing the Lord and remembering the relationship she had with her parents. She was so grateful for us being there!

The gentlemen we visited lived way up in the mountains and his wife had died 8 years ago. He lives alone and said he never gets visitors. His son lives in another village and visits a few times a week. He has trouble walking and with the paths up there, I can see why! We were so grateful to have been able to visit him and make him feel loved for a few minutes. It was exhausting to climb up the mountain paths and yet, we felt more blessed I think than they did. It truly was a wonderful gift to be able to go out to these homes and touch their lives because they definitely touched ours! God is all powerful and we thank Him for all He gives us!!
-          - Linda
(New classroom for Esperanza Miralta - the volcano in the background)
(A dedication of the new classroom to PCRC)
(Walking to the water well)

(Getting water for the cement)
(Bruce & Carlos carrying water back to the site)
(Doing our best to fill the tank with water)

(Leveling the classroom floor)
 (Suns Out, Guns Out)

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