A Question for Jennifer - What seemed to strengthen the community of Esperanza? What bonded their relationships? - What strengthens a community like Esperanza is leadership, structure and pride. Having a contract or plan in place allows for accountability. Accountability is key in determining if there's follow through and it also determines if conditions of the contract are being completed. A contract could be how the community is using financial donations from Pease CRC to Vine & Branches to World Renew. Contracts specify what each party is expected to give or do. This helps the bond between organizations and communities by working together, giving each other pride when a project is completed. Accountability and strong leadership, in my mind, strengthens the community of Esperanza. This is evident in their attitudes and demeanor.
A Question for Jerry - What was your perspective with the church in Helvetia? What did you feel? How were you engaged and what grabbed your attention? - During our short visit in Helvetia, we dropped off new plastic chairs for their one room church. It made me very pleased as now they can worship in a more comfortable seat. They were very thankful and gave us all hugs. They have very little but they were very clear in understanding that we have a very big God.
A Question for Peggy - How would you self-evaluate your faith during this experience(Mission)? - My faith grows in our Great God as we travel throughout Guatemala to the villages. There is so much beauty to behold of God's creation. God has created these people, as well as us, and yet they live with little in comparison to us, but they are so happy. Seeing their happiness, love and trust for us continues to make my faith stronger and stronger. God is Great - All the Time!
Thank You for the time and effort to help me blog about our mission. I have a few more blogs to add but I just wanted to say Thank You!