While in San Juan La Laguna, one of the villages on Lake Atilan, we met a wonderful group of people who are working to start a Presbyterian Church. They told us most of the people in San Juan are not Christians. In fact there was a temple for animal sacrifices on top of the mountain. There is 1 man who has been a pastor for 32 years and 3 men who are currently attending John Calvin Seminary (the seminary we will be supporting) to become ordained. They invited us to their home, which is actually is where they are currently meeting for their church services, for a beautiful lunch. After lunch they asked us for prayers for their church. Specifically they want prayers that they will be able to find a place to rent so that their services can be public, chairs for the space, a loud speaker so passerbys will hear the service and come in, musical instruments, and supplies for Bible school. They also would like prayers for God's wisdom and guidance throughout the process. Please add this wonderful group to your prayers. Diego and Graciela and their daughter Telma and Eugene. Graciela's mother , Micaela is also pictured.
We will dutifully pray in agreement with you that the pastors find a building where their services can be open to a greater public in San Juan la Laguna.