Thursday, February 12, 2015

Late Night Thoughts

We're counting down the hours and we'll be loading up for another adventure to see our friends and church family in Guatemala. I always marvel at the idea of, one moment we're carrying out our daily routine and a few hours later we're walking around in awe in a different country. Maybe I speak for myself, maybe for all of us; but as I ponder these deep thoughts at this hour(10:46pm), it's hard to sleep with all the nerves and excitement stirring in my brain. For the returning few, it's excitement and anticipation to see familiar faces and the work that was carried out from previous years. For others, it's seeking God for clarity, raw emotion, and big question marks hoping to be answered. For some, it's a new quest mixed with fear, adventure, hope and prayer. This is an exciting time, not just for those going, but as a whole church family. There are many ways to support this trip: prayer, financial giving, and encouragement; and it all goes a long way in our journey to connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Guatemala. Thank you for your support and prayers as you've made this journey for those who have gone, one we'll never forget! We're excited for newcomers, Mary Koppendrayer & Don Kiel, Jeff & Jan Hanenburg, and Shelby Wicklund & Bonnie Kvien. Please pray for calmed nerves and confidence for those leading us. Thank You again for your support! Please pray for us and the Church's mission. May His Kingdom Come, & His Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven. Stay Tuned


  1. Please be safe! God our Father will guide you and protect you and lead you! I will be in constant prayer for all of you! PS...Nicholas you behave! Love, Mom :)

  2. So proud of Pease Church. Prayers for hearts united, dry roads (in MN as well as GT), and warm embraces. Please give my love to those you meet. And have a caimita fruit for me, if they're in season again. grace + peace, carrie
