Monday, February 8, 2016

Worshiping with our family at Emmanuel

This morning we met at the breakfast table by 7:30am and started out the day with devotionals and breakfast. We've been studying out of Colossians 3, breaking down verses 12-17. It's been a great study focusing on being Holy, feeling Loved, showing Compassion and Humility, practicing Patience, and being Gentle. All qualities we put into practice as Christians on a day to day basis, but putting more emphasis on these characteristics this week. Lots of things can go wrong and we need to be reminded and reflect on these qualities everyday. After breakfast, we went for a short tour of Quetaltenango (Xela). Davidsky, the new Bridger for World Renew, gave us the tour of his hometown. We learned a lot of interesting history and facts about buildings and how Central American and European influenced on the city over the years. During the tour, we ran into the Mayor
After the tour we drove to Emmanuel Church for worship!
Before Worship started Moises ran in and said to hurry outside. The Volcano, Santiaguito was throwing up ash and smoke. They say it happens 2 or 3 times a year. 
And wouldn't you know it.... The worship leader announced before we sang the second song, was about "Mountains crumbling down" 
Tom giving our greetings and sharing motivating thoughts and praise
Singing "Canten" in Spanish & Amazing Grace in English - Without knowing this ahead of time, Amazing Grace was further down in the we sang it in Spanish too!
Presenting the picture calendars to both, Emmanuel Church & John Calvin Seminary 
(Emmanuel Church)
After worship we had lunch and meetings

Jessica presenting the check to John Calvin Seminary 
A gift from our Emmanuel family  (Moises daughter, Maya, has a scarf business)
 After many hours of meetings with Emmanuel Church's Elders, John Calvin Seminary, World Renew and Vine & Branches representatives, we hit the road for Rethaluleu 
Our view to Rethaluleu
The team organizing the school supplies
Warrens mints:)

That concluded our day and the question I'm sure you've been dying to know.....Yes, the Super Bowl was on at the hotel;)

Have a great Monday!!! Thank You for the prayers & support

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