Tuesday, February 5, 2013

La Palmera

This is going to be brief...we have to eat at 7am again tomorrow and those who know me know that that is a hard thing for me!

If it is possible, it seems that each day is better than the last. We went to La Palmera today an it was a beautiful day. The school had a brief presentation for us and then we presented school supplies an desks. We certainly take things for granted. I feel like most students in the US could care less about their desks but these kids were SO excited!

We then split into our 3 groups to work: painting, building roads, or building water filters. The children at the school stayed and wanted to help us paint. They were very proud that they were painting their school. The men got a lot done on the road as well.

After working for a while we met for lunch and to learn a bit about La Palmera an the coffee production process. Please pray for the community of La Palmera. Coffee prices were very low this year and they also had disease spread through their fields. As a result, they may not be able to make their payment for the land and most families will only have 3000Q (about 7Q in a $) to live on for the rest of the year. Please pray that God will continue to bless their hard work and that they will find a way to continue moving forward. Pray that their coffee plants will be healthy and produce a lot in the upcoming year and that they will get a fair price for their coffee.

After lunch it was time for VBS. We had a much smaller group this time as the kids from Monte Margarita and El Teneco didn't come. But, the children were so happy to see us and we had a fantastic time. It will be hard to leave the kids tomorrow.


  1. I had tears in my eyes as I looked at the picture of the kids carrying their new desks down the hill. I remember the same picture last year, only they were old desks that they had to share back and forth with another school. I also remember the town leaders telling us how the loan payment was a piorirty, then food, then education. I am SO HAPPY that we can help, education will be their freedom from oppression and through it all, God be the Glory.

  2. Tonight we prayed for all of you and the people you are helping. Andrew prayed that grammar would get home safely. Lucas prayed for the students and that they would really like their new desks and learn a lot.

  3. *auto correct...that should be gramma.

  4. I will be in Antigua on Saturday when your team is there! I will have free time from about 3-7pm! Your itinerary says tour on the road...do you know what time you will be back? :) Love reading your stories! -Rachel Forker

  5. Hi Kevin, Daren and the rest of the team. So happy to see the pictures and reading about your day on the blog. The children look so happy and healthy. May God bless the remaining time you have there with days filled with new experiences and that you may see His hand guiding you as you make new relationships with the people there. Grow in His love.

  6. Oh, the image of the children carrying their desks with such pride and joy!! Thank You, Jesus...
