Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I've heard some of you are having trouble commenting on the blog. Well guess what, me too! Apparently I cannot respond to the comments you leave! So, here are the answers to your questions.

Gretchen and the ICS school:
1. Yes, the guard has a gun. There are guards with big guns in every store we go to. We also have.2-4 police officers who travel with us when we visit the villages in order to keep us safe.
2. Most of the animals we have seen are are the same (or very similar) to what we have at home. We've seen pigs, cows, horses, dogs, ducks, chickens, cats...except many of these animals are in the houses--ducks and chickens and all.
3. School runs January-October and they go from 8am to 1pm.
4. It was about 87 degrees and humid today. Beautiful!

We eat at the hotel in the morning and night and eat lunch out in the villages. I believe Larry had French Toast on his plate.

Yes, it is Reaching and Teaching to redeem and restore.

Patty misses you as well-from the time we got off the plane. Also, Phil says he gave us 5 minutes in San Juan.

Kris says that she has seen the little girl twice and will give her the picture. She worked on water filters today. She knows you'd like to be here.

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